Clara Oaks Development Project
Property Developer: Clara Oaks Estate, LLC
Property Owner: Clara Oaks Estate, LLC
Property Location: Open space above Webb Canyon
Project Status: Clara Oaks Estates, LLC has submitted a project application. The City is obligated to review all project applications. Staff has reviewed the application and a scoping meeting was held on June 30 by the Planning Commission. The Scoping Meeting is the first step in the environmental review process. The project proposal would require a Conditional Use Permit, specific plan, tract map, environmental review, design review, and general plan amendment. No City Commissions have made any decisions on this project proposal.
Project Summary
Clara Oaks is a proposed housing development in the Claremont hillside adjacent to the Claremont Wilderness Park. The project is the proposed development of forty single-family homes and public trail parking on approximately 21 acres of an approximate 102-acre site, comprised of two parcels and located in the undeveloped hillside north of the Webb Schools, off of Webb Canyon Road.
The proposed project will require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, a tentative tract map, a zone change, a Specific Plan, and a corresponding General Plan amendment. It will also require the preparation and certification of an environmental impact report (EIR). The project is located in the Hillside Residential Overlay area of the General Plan map and is an undeveloped area of natural terrain next to the established Claremont Hills Wilderness Park.
Environmental Scoping Meeting - Wednesday, June 30, 2021
The City held an environmental scoping meeting for the Clara Oaks Specific Plan project on June 30, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The project applicant, Clara Oaks Estate, LLC is seeking approval of a specific plan in order to allow for development of a 103 acre, 40-lot, residential neighborhood, in the Claremont foothills above the Webb Schools. The proposed project also includes a public trail system and 78 acres of dedicated open space.
Project Description: In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16.081 (Specific Plan District) of the City of Claremont's Municipal Code, the Project applicant (Clara Oaks Estate, LLC) is seeking approval of the Specific Plan in order to allow for development of a residential neighborhood. The overall purpose of the Specific Plan is to provide comprehensive direction and the framework for enhancement and redevelopment of the Project site while implementing the vision, goals, and policies of the City's General Plan. Under the Specific Plan, the Project applicant proposes to develop 40 individual lots for custom residential homes with lot sizes ranging from 0.22 acres to 2.41 acres. Other proposed Project components include a public trail, parking area/drainage lot and booster pump station, potable water tank site, dedicated open space areas, onsite access roads (and off-site roadway connection to Webb Canyon Road), and associated utility connections and infrastructure. The Specific Plan would allow for development of infrastructure and clustered residential properties within the lower southern portion of the property, while the upper northern portion of the property would include 78.09 acres of dedicated open space. The dedicated open space would contain a new public loop hiking trail system and vehicle parking spaces would be located near the entrance to the Project site.
Process for Project Review
- Notice of Preparation
- 30-day Public Review and Scoping Meeting
- Prepare Technical Studies and Environmental Impact Report
- 45-day Public Review for the EIR
- Final EIR and Responses to Comments
- Planning Commission Hearing
- City Council Hearing
Project Documents