Traffic Enforcement
The most frequent causes for collisions in Claremont are due to excessive speed, right-of-way and turning violations, and disobeying signals or signs. To ensure that Claremont is a safe place to live, work and visit, the Police Department attempts to reduce the number of collisions that occur through enforcement and education.
Two officers are currently assigned to motorcycle traffic enforcement. These officers are used almost exclusively for enforcement of hazardous violations at locations that experience the highest number of collisions. Motorcycles allow them into areas that would be difficult for cars to get to, and allow them to merge with traffic quickly.
To gain voluntary compliance to traffic laws, the department's uses its radar trailer on streets that are experiencing speeding vehicles. The trailer displays the actual speed of each passing vehicle along with the posted speed limit for that area so that motorists who may have been unaware of their speed are given a clear reminder of their violation.
Traffic Hotline
Report a Traffic Concern
Feedback about specific traffic concerns is welcome!
Send a message with information, concerns, or locations you would like to see the radar trailer used or areas you would like additional traffic enforcement. Messages for the traffic officers may also be sent.
The police can't always get to every location as quickly as they would like, but they will try to address every area of which they receive information.