Spring Celebration
April 19, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Memorial Park
840 N. Indian Hill Boulevard
Claremont, CA 91711
Bring the family out to enjoy a day of family fun! Activities include a live petting zoo, face painting, a magic show, interactive booths, and photo opportunities with Mr. and Mrs. Bunny. The traditional egg hunt will begin promptly at 10:45 a.m. for children ages 3-12 with an opportunity to find the golden egg. Free goodie bags will be available for children ages 2 and younger. In addition to the traditional egg hunt, the City of Claremont will be hosting a Special Needs Egg Hunt at 9:00 a.m. The Special Needs Egg Hunt will be an adaptive and sensory-friendly egg hunt where parents are welcome to assist their children with special needs. The Kiwanis Club of Claremont will also be hosting a pancake breakfast at a cost of $8 per person from 8am-11am.
Thank you to this year’s Spring Celebration Sponsors, Claremont Graduate University, Bert and Rocky’s, Tapestry Church and The Children’s Foundation of America. The City of Claremont and event sponsors look forward to seeing you there!
Spring Celebration 2025 Flyer(PDF, 912KB)

For more information, please email specialevents@claremontca.gov or call (909) 399-5490.